Saturday, December 20, 2008

My brothers visit

well everyone my little brother came up to stay with my mother for a was my x-mass gift but it wasn't the Reunion that i thought it would be... my little brother was very uncomfortable to be round me do to me being in a wheelchair which i understand most people are uncomfortably to see a loved one in a chair...specially when you haven't seen them for 10 years...I'm pretty sad about it but i cant make someone want to be a family if they don't want times i wish i could but life isn't like have to learn the lesson's and grow tord what heavenly father wants you too be... not force someone to love you for who you are even though its the right thing to do at times... but any how i was about to get a few pics of Nick and i for you guys...
always Tiffany

Sunday, December 14, 2008

merry Christmas everyone

Hey guys i just wanted to say we hope you have wonderfule holidays and that good health come to you in the new year.....

Tom & Tiffany

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

on october 1 my kitten Isabella got very ill at the age 12 weeks old, we had to put her doun on the 2nd wich wa my b-day i was devastated about it...later that night tommys family had a bday party for me and tommy showd up with a new puppy she is chiwawa/terrer her name is jackie she is 13 weeks old and adorble im greatfule to have a wonderfule husben.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

stranghth of life

Theres something wild that opens up and gives us the sranghth with in our vains at the bottem of our heart,
that strives to sexceed with in are self's.

they have the courage to sestaine the battle of life and death.
those who serviive will come something so wonderful and free.

i look at so many people that have played a part in my life growing up,
they were all the stranghth that got me through,

right now im in a tenall that is as dark as blackness i see a spark of light and hundreds of hands of friends through the years that reich out to hold on to me to bring me to the light,
at times i wish i could let go, to just give up,

but i look at the people that have stood by me through everything,
they have the spark in there eyes that helps get me through,

my wonderfule husben is the main one that dosent let go he gives me the stranghth to get through with in his eyes.

i love all of you

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

good news!

well we whent to the doc's the other day and he said that he saw inprovement in me. at first he told Tommy he didnt think that i could be able to walk again, which realy scared us. but we know that as long as we stay positive then i will get better soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


so i have wonderfule news! my brother Nick is comming to see me, he will stay i think two weeks maybe three, i havent seen my brothers for 9 years!!! thats so crazy to think its been that long... Nick is 19 years old and Nathen is 17 going on 18, i cant see nate untill he is 18 and then i can see him yah i cant wate. i love my brothers so much. i have missed them for so long, i have been wating for this day when i can see them again. i will make sure that i take pics of him while hes here.

love tiff

Sunday, July 6, 2008

after the fouth

well we whent ot tommys familys house for the fourth of july, we had a nice bbq and we sat around in there back yeard talked cause grama smith and aunt nip came doun to visit too, so we hung out with them... after words we sat doun we watched the neighbors fire workes show... we didnt get any of our own cause there just too expencev... any how thats pretty much is what happend... i did take a few pics but it will be awile untill i cant get them on here for you guys to see... well i hope you guys had a good sunday!

love the stephensons

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of july

well today tom and i are going to Toms familys house to spend 4th of july with them... we are haveing a babieqe and we might play exceted to get out of the house yahhh... lol well i will take pics so i can put them on and show you guys... untile then happy 4th of july and have a good day!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

well to day was a good day. dee and sara came to our house to take us to the kuna libary. we had alot of fun i was able to find cd's on tape that are lds you cant find to many of thoughs at the libary only kunas libar. i found my favorit auther her name is betty brandon green, she wrights mistery/ cop's story about a detectiveand his family there a seirs... there realy good books... i also got some dvd's to keep me company to... and some arts and crafts books to... well we had alot of fun and it was very nice being able to go out of the house.... well until then...i'll talk to you all tommorrow tiff and tommy

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

my Dad is comming!!!

well yesterday my dad called me to let me know that he will be here on so exceited. me and my dad have goten so close sence my wedding day, we only talk on the phone do to him living in wenachtee washingtion wich is were i was born... so him and my grandma are comming to visit, they leve on sunday.... it will be weird having him here for that long do to not seeing him that much... i have only seen him four times sence i was born... im just like my dad i even look like him in alot of wayus, we have the same personalaty and we like the same things we even have the same anerizums, and we think the same...its pretty weird... im happy though that i took my dads side of the family gens then my mom side of the family lol... im scard though cause i dont want him to see me in the wqheel chair or have to see me being sick like i am its pretty scaring for thoughs family members to see me, i can see it in there eyes, it realy makes me want to cry at times because i dont want them to feel the apin im going through... but any how im still exceitd that my dad and grama are comming up...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

getting out of the house

well today tom is taking me out... to get me out of the house. im exceited ya... well tom took me to ross to get me a new shirt...but ididnt find anything that i wanted so he took me to taco bell for dinner, wich was fun....

Friday, June 20, 2008

foster kids

my big goal in life is to help the kids that have nothing, that come from a breoken home like I, that have been abandon and abused phiscly and mentaly, i want them to know that there not alone, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that there are people that truly love them for who they are, like I, i want them to know that its not there fualt for what there perents did. i want them to know that they to have a chance to make something of them selfs, they can brake the vishes circal in there family and become so much better then what they think they diserve.... i want to be one of the parents that can help them get back on there feet and that can teach them wrong from right and truly what a family is...

love always tiffany

just thinking

well i site here and think at how much people need there leggs...i hate to think i took them for never know how much you need them untill there gone...someone once told me that and now i know what they mean, but to be awnest i think you can do so much with out your leggs... i give great gratatud to those that live like this there whole life... i thank hevaly father for having me go through this trial in my life, i am very greatfule...


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

barbieq! just what the doc prscribed lol!!!!

drew was so hungry, it was funny cause she started to fall a sleep there...she had so much barbieq sauce on here hands and face lol...
now does this look good to you? well it was the best chicken in the world lol... ross was the shef that night... we all were so messy with that barieq sauce....
now this is ross ambers husben hes a really nice guy, tommy has became close to him... its really nice to have good friends.
this is amber giving me a funny look, shes such a sweetheart, and a goofball lol, its nice to have a really good friend that understands me...
well tom and i wanted to get out and see some friends so we had a barieq at are friends ross and ambers house with there little ones. it was alot of fun. i really needed to get out of the hous, and see some close friends of ours. this first pic is drew and me, she is adorible...

love at first sight

love at first sight

About Me

My photo
well Tom and I got married on march 24th 2007, we met at a insitut dance at BSU, Tom is from here and i moved here from seatle. we love to meet new people and we are very family orented...

my music